Sylvia's Bridal Sampler Virtual Design Wall

From an original Idea by Sharon Mastbrook

This Wall has kindly been produced by Pete Darrell

A-1 Mosaic No.3 A-2 Shoo-Fly A-3 Bright Hopes A-4 Posies Round the Square A-5 Amethyst A-6 Tennessee A-7 Cat's and Mice A-8 Star of the Orient A-9 Chinese Coin A-10 Bachelor￿s Puzzle M-1 Spinning Hourglass N-1 Courthouse Steps
B-1 Stamp Baskets B-2 Gulf Star B-3 Cross and Crown B-4 Children￿s Delight B-5 Grandmother￿s Flower Garden B-6 Crow￿s Foot B-7 Swamp Patch B-8 Mrs. Cleveland￿s Choice B-9 Irish Chain B-10 Friendship Star M-2 Wild Goose Chase N-2 Card Trick
C-1 Contrary Husband C-2 Wedding Ring 1 C-3 Album 1 C-4 Sister￿s Choice C-5 Lady of the Lake C-6 Crossed Canoes C-7 Northwind C-8 Grape Basket C-9 Grandmother￿s Pride C-10 Night and Noon M-3 Dresden Plate N-3 Clay's Choice
D-1 Hands All Around D-2 Milky Way D-3 Mother￿s Delight D-4 Rambler D-5 Square and Star D-6 Odd Fellow￿s Patch D-7 Robbing Peter to Pay Paul D-8 Rosebud D-9 Orange Peel D-10 Boy￿s Nonsense M-4 Jack in the Box N-4 Cut Glass Dish
E-1 Nine-Patch E-2 Corn and Beans E-3 Chicago Pavements E-4 Indiana Rose E-5 Handy Andy E-6 Jack in the Pulpit E-7 Ribbon Star E-8 Lincoln￿s Platform E-9 Charlotte￿s Crown E-10 Hunter￿s Star M-5 Ohio Star N-5 Windblown Square
F-1 Silver and Gold F-2 Fool￿s Puzzle F-3 Bowtie F-4 Old Maid￿s Puzzle F-5 New York Beauty F-6 Album 2 F-7 Big T F-8 Ladies￿ Aid Album F-9 Blazing Star F-10 Aunt Sukey￿s Choice M-6 Providence N-6 Kaleidoscope
G-1 Love in a Mist G-2 Oklahoma Dogwood G-3 Bear￿s Paw G-4 Chimneys and Cornerstones G-5 Mariner￿s Compass G-6 Coffee Mill G-7 Sarah￿s Favorite G-8 Crown of Thorns G-9 Modern Tulip G-10 Arizona M-7 New Mexico N-7 Duck and Ducklings
H-1 Log Cabin H-2 Wedding Ring 2 H-3 Sarah￿s Choice H-4 Dove in the Window H-5 Sylvia's Shooting Star H-6 Lancaster Rose H-7 Odd Fellow￿s Chain H-8 Pinwheel 1 H-9 Weathervane H-10 King￿s Star M-8 Dogtooth Violet N-8 Double Nine Patch
I-1 True Lover's Knot I-2 Winding Ways I-3 Dutchman's Puzzle I-4 Anvil I-5 Mexican Star I-6 Laurel Wreath I-7 Right Hand of Friendship I-8 Birds in the Air I-9 Yankee Puzzle I-10 Rocky Road to Dublin M-9 King David's Crown N-9 Broken Dishes
J-1 Sawtooth Star J-2 Trip Around the World J-3 Farmer's Daughter J-4 Autumn Leaf J-5 Rolling Stone J-6 Puss in the Corner J-7 Pinwheel 2 J-8 Jacob's Ladder J-9 Snail's Trail J-10 Follow the Leader M-10 Key West Beauty N-10 Diamond Friendship
K-1 Road to Oklahoma K-2 The Friendship Quilt K-3 Churn Dash K-4 Glorified Nine-Patch K-5 Ocean Waves K-6 Gentleman￿s Fancy K-7 Sickle K-8 Grandmother's Fan K-9 Barrister's Block K-10 Tumbling Blocks K-11 Barrister's Block K-12 Tumbling Blocks
L-1 Friendship Quilt L-2 Mother's Favorite L-3 54-40 or Fight L-4 Bride's Bouquet L-5 Pineapple L-6 Steps to the Altar L-7 LeMoyne Star L-8 Kansas Troubles L-9 Rolling Star L-10 Contrary Wife L-11 Rolling Star L-12 Contrary Wife

Click on block picture to see a close-up. Page last updated on 21 Sep 15